Star of the East Chapter No. 239

The Royal Assembly Rooms, Albert Square, Gt Yarmouth. NR30 3JH

WARRANT: 4 January 1923      CONSECRATED: 26 March 1923

 Third Tuesday October, March (E) and May

Most Wise Sovereign:  G. S. Ricketts

Recorder:  P. J. Hannant 


J B Coulton

29.06.2019 14:43

Very helpful and interesting.

Latest comments

20.10 | 15:47

Tentative research into Rose Croix as a next possible step for myself later in 2022, very informative especially the history.

02.07 | 18:50

A very interesting and informative website.

29.06 | 14:44

Pleased to see the history very informative.

29.06 | 14:43

Very helpful and interesting.